Lattés with Lakshmi
Individual Coaching
We can cover an array of topics to suit your needs.
How Can I Serve You?
With my decades of life experience, I want to help you on your life journey.
For over 20 years, I established my global professional career across marketing, sales, strategy, operations, and consulting for Fortune 500 companies. I traveled to over 60 countries across 6 continents, over 30 countries with my husband and two daughters with the goal of raising them with a global mindset. What I loved most in my journey is the ability to interact with people.
Lattés with Lakshmi is my approach to getting to know my direct reports, team, my clients, my colleagues, my customers. Why a latte? It’s my go-to morning drink that starts my day! I would love to know what yours is… and it’s on me!
We can cover an array of topics - whatever suits you based on where you are.
Our introductory call will be complimentary to learn more about you and better understand where you are, what you are trying to achieve, and how we can work together to help build what you are seeking.
From my two decade global corporate career leading high performing teams to weekly business travel to balancing career + motherhood to the world of traveling with kids to bringing the world to my home raising global citizens to anything else in between, I am here to help you.

Coaching/Discussion Topics include but not limited
to the following:

Topics Focused On You:
- Your Career - where you are today, where you would like to go, build a plan, and empowering you to get there
- Discuss Best Practices shared to support a thriving family life
- Balance business travel with a newborn in tow or at home
- Define the integration of career and motherhood vs balance
- Be the leader that others want to be
- Center your style with being inclusive of others

Topics Focused On Your Family
- Global Education In Your Home
- Learn about worldschooling and its importance
- Discuss diversity and inclusivity with your children
- Learn about activities outside the traditional classroom
- Discuss how to immerse your children with global experiences
- Customize the 4Ps of Travel from home for you
- Travel Tips and Ideas as a Family
- Leverage the 4Ps of Travel Structure to help you for your trip
- Explore Local, Domestic and International options and all you need to research
- Customize your travel plans so your family can optimize their experience
Interested In Lattés with Lakshmi
Individual Coaching?
Our introductory call will be complimentary to learn more about you and better understand where you are, what you are trying to achieve, and how we can work together to help build what you are seeking.
Complete the short form below.
I will get in touch with you shortly.
*Your contact information will only be used to schedule coaching with you.