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Traveling Does Not Stop When You Have Kids - It Has a New Beginning!

A throwback to our first international trip with a newborn!

At only 6 weeks old, our first daughter, Shyla visited the US and British Virgin Islands. I often receive questions from many parents on how we (and me alone) travel so frequently with our toddlers - what to pack, where to go, what medicines should we take, do we need a car seat, first class or economy, entertainment on the plane, managing jet jag, controlling tantrums, and the list goes on!

Guess what - you will be able to manage all of this and create these experiences for your family too!!!

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What It Means For You

Your life "evolves" when you become a parent.

However "plus kids" does not have to stop you from doing what you love. Traveling and teaching your children about the world enables you to experience all its diversity and next generation to become inclusive global citizens.  Focus on why it is important for your kids to learn about the world and its people.  You will be amazed at how much you can do to create global citizens... from home. 

My goal is to share all my experiences in hopes that you feel inspired too - you got this!