Explore the World With Us
Raising Inclusive Global Citizens Through Travel and At-Home Learning
Travel The World In 60 Minutes
In our newest worldschooling educational series, 5-year-old Shyla shares with your children one of the greatest gifts of life, a journey across the continents.
As Seen On

Welcome! I'm Lakshmi.
I was born in India and moved to the US as a young girl. Traveling back to India to visit family each year fueled my love for travel, which grew into a passion to learning about others. I love meeting new people and seeing new places -- the world has so much to offer.
Fast forward to two decades of global corporate experiences and being a mother of two, I love sharing this passion with my children. I believe that teaching children about the world helps them grow into more compassionate, more inclusive, more tolerant citizens of the world.
Learn More >Take Your Children Around the World With Our Global Learning Lessons
You can start teaching your children about the world right from home! Our homeschool lessons are based on our world travels and our own experiences teaching our daughters about a destination before taking a trip. Our activities build self confidence and reinforce respect and appreciation for other cultures.
View All Lessons >Tips: Traveling With Kids
Global Learning & Diversity
Destinations & Experiences
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