Happy Birthday to Shyla... and I enjoyed my labor!

Mar 12, 2020

This was me and newborn Shyla five years ago today....2 seconds after she arrived.  I share this knowing everyone has a different pregnancy and birthing journey- it’s truly unique to a mom and baby. This was mine. 

Many people scared me about labor. “it’s long, it’s painful, etc.” But I am a high energy person and I didn’t want to channel all that stress. The day before I delivered (today 5 years ago)- Someone I barely knew told me to be positive and enjoy labor. 

What??? Enjoy labor??? That was the first time I heard anyone say that!! And I was so inspired by her words! It totally made sense- why not shift my mindset to being positive??? And it was the best decision I made. Even in labor- while I was nervous, I was feeling really good. Of course-it’s not meant to be a trip to the spa! But everything was blissful… and before I knew it, a new human being arrived!!!

Note- My husband did not take a video because he was holding me…both my moms were in the room too, but they were too busy with a running commentary (my mom was pure comedy)!!! I so want to relive that moment with a video!! 

Lakshmi’s Learning- While everyones’ experiences are unique to them, positive vibes can never hurt!! What was your experience?? 


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