Welcome to my life

These videos and articles focus on things that fuel my energy- global experiences, loved ones, and life learnings.

Traveling Does Not Stop When You Have Kids, It Has a New Beginning

Nov 14, 2019

A throwback to our first international trip with a newborn!

At only 6 weeks old, our first daughter, Shyla visited the US and British Virgin Islands. I often receive questions from many parents on how we (and me alone) travel so frequently with our toddlers - what to pack, where to go, what medicines should we take, do we need a car seat, first class or economy, entertainment on the plane, managing jet jag, controlling tantrums, and the list goes on!

Guess what - you will be able to manage all of this and create these experiences for your family too!!!  Stay tuned for insights to all these questions plus so much more!

Remember, traveling doesn’t stop when you have kids, it actually has a new beginning!!

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How to Travel With Children During COVID19

Download this FREE CHECKLIST on guidelines for traveling with children on a plane during the pandemic.